Thursday, June 26, 2008

Spring 2008

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A little snow fun...

Well, we were blessed with a little white right before Christmas. For those of you from around our parts you know this is rare!! Lily and Zoe had a blast tearing up the huge drift that remains in our front yard!

Momma and Sophie are all bundled up to watch the mayham! Amazingly Sophie fell asleep minutes after this picture was taken, it was so cute.

My snow angel....

Merry CHRISTmas to ALL!!!!!! Peace be with you!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

An update...

Sorry, my mommy has been soooo busy.......but here is a little update

Since our last post we have been a very very busy family! WE MOVED! YEAH! We moved to a new home at the end of September and this was a life changing event for all of us. Our new home is so wonderful and we all have room to move around now! :)

Also, Angie accepted a new job in November. This has been an exciting, and a bit scary, change for the family. All is going well and we are very excited about the future. Steve is still enjoying working for Cox and aside from all of the overtime this ice storm has brought all is well.

Sophie is now sitting up, standing supported and jabbering all the time. One of her favorite past-times is the saucer, she loves to jump and bounce. She is working on tooth #3 and exploring all sorts of new foods. She has even starting calling out to "mama" which is so cool!

Lily has been flourishing in her pre-k program. She is learning so much, it amazes us daily. She is very independent, determined and so darn smart! What a blessing!! She has been taking tap and ballet this semester but we will be switching back to the gym at the beginning of the year. She "misses the trampoline" :) Otherwise she stays busy helping mom out and booking up play dates!

Needless to say we are so excited about Christmas! This will be the best one far as the
"magic" goes!! Lily has been drilling us with all sorts of "how" and "why" questions about Santa, man you have to be quick on your feet with a 4 year old. :)

We hope you all enjoy a peaceful holiday filled with the joy of God's love!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Enjoy the pics

Lily and her cousins at the Percival Christmas celebration

Lily and Angie in front of our tree, we had a ball decorating and singing carols!

Lily on Thanksgiving Day

Sophie on Thanksgiving Day

Sophie says "hey, watch this!"

Ahh, bathtime. Lily really hates water in her face and Sophie loves to splash...bad combination.
This is Lily's solution...pretty clever, pretty clever

What a smile!

Monday, August 27, 2007


We had a wonderful and VERY restful weekend at the lake. It was much needed by all of us. Since Sophie's birth it seems like we have been going non-stop. Life has been full of very big changes for all of us and a few more are on the way so a quiet restful weekend away was a high priority. Here are a few pics from our fun...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fun Times...

Lily is completely recovered now and we have been having some really fun times around the house.

She started Pre-K this week! Wow! Can you believe it?? She is in school!

She is a little anxious about the change, she really loves her old teacher Mrs. Mary, we all do, so leaving her behind is a little tough. Luckily she is still with all her buds and has really nice new teachers so we are excited and looking forward to this year of growth!

Sophie turned 4 months last weekend and is growing and changing everyday. She rolled over last week and she is laughing and making all sorts or cooing sounds. She loves to watch her big sister! She is so much fun!! So mellow and easy going...unless she is hungry then that is a different story but hey, I can understand that.

She sat in her high chair at the table and tried some cereal for the first time last night. It was so cute. She didn't care much about the cereal, of course, but she loved sitting up high with Lily at the table. We all had a big time!

I hope everyone out there is well. Here are a few photos of our fun...enjoy!

Look at her dance!!

Sophie had cereal for the first time...yeah!

Bathtime...does that mean it is almost bedtime??? (HeHe)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Summer Days...

Well, we are 12 days post-op and all is well.
Here are a few pics from this week. Enjoy...

Lily and her best friend Jade!

Friday, August 3, 2007


Well, a little update on Lily...
She had her tonsils and adenoids removed Tuesday morning. She is recovering well and in very good spirits. Steve and I are already assured this was the right thing to do as we have already seen dramatic improvement in her ability to breathe! Your continued prayers and support during this time are appreciated!

Here are a couple of pics we took last weekend...

Awww so cute!! My girls!

Lily dresses herself these days...gotta love that hairdo!

Little Miss Sophie just hanging out...she is so laid back! (Thank you, God)